Learnt Dictionary

1 min readJun 1, 2020

Split the string between comma separated or any characters in Php

i have a string = “500–600” and i need to convert into the array and we now pluck the element with his index.


$string = “500–500”

Convert the value into array

$range_array = explode("-",$value);

result = array:2 [0 => “500”,1 => “5000”]

Laravel between Query Builder

Fetch data between two ranges from the table

$users = DB::table('users')
->whereBetween('votes', [1, 100])

Python Bottle

1) micro framework
2) Easy to integerate with multiple dbs across you application
3) Verbosity and minimalism
4) easy to customize and extend
5) It also support jinja2
6) It’s faster than most other web frameworks of python
7) Async freindly with Gevent
8) Its been for a long time

